Check Our Pricing


₹5999 / Year
  • 24X7 Availability
  • Messages with buttons & Menu
  • Personalized User Experience
  • Chatbot without code


₹5999 / Year
  • Unlimited Broadcast Messages
  • Zero Number Blocking Risk
  • Marketing and Transactional Messages
  • Call To Action & Quick Reply Buttons
  • Interactive Messages
  • Easy to copy and paste: contact list
  • Import contact from CSV file
  • Send Template Message With Variable
  • Set Auto variables Value in Template from CSV Data file
  • Send 100+ Messsages per Minute


₹5999 / Year
  • View Incoming messages
  • Reply Incoming messages
  • Send Template messages
  • Filter messages
  • Quick Contact update


₹5999 / Year
  • Integrate Your CRM effortlessly
  • ERP Integration
  • Woo-commerce Integration
  • Send Personalized Notification & Reminders
  • Send Transactional Notifications
  • Share Order Tracking details
  • Send Payment reminders

Contact Management

₹2999 / Year
  • Manage All contact At one Place
  • Edit Contact Info
  • Give Tags to Contacts
  • Filter Contacts by tags ,Last Messages, Campaigns
  • Broadcast Filtered Contacts
  • Block Incoming Message From Contacts
  • Automated Birthday Wishes
₹5999 / Year
  • Up to 10 Agents
  • More than 10 Agents, Contact our
  • Allot Customer to Agents
  • Agent wise Customer Privacy
  • Agent can allot Customer to Teammates
  • Masking Contacts for Data Security